X-TATTOO: Tattoo Removal Program provides laser removal of visible tattoos for at risk youth and adults in Phoenix. Just as gangs influence and recruit one by one, the X-TATTOO program seeks to give program participants access to productive and nonviolent futures by removing each tattoo, one by one.
The primary focus for creating X-TATTOO was to help participants become employable without the barriers of tattoos. Removing the tattoo allows access to more job opportunities and greater range in uniform choices. Long sleeves won’t be required to hide tattoos anymore.
Treatment sessions will be conducted every 6 weeks. Volunteer plastic and reconstructive surgeons or dermatologists conduct laser treatments using the Fotona QX laser machine. This machine produces a laser which breaks up the ink in the tattoo so the body can flush it away.
Typically treatment sessions will last no more than 15 minutes, but treatment time will vary by patient and tattoo size.