Tag: tattoo removal

Why would you remove a tattoo

    When most people think about getting a tattoo they are fully aware that it will be permanent. People who are so excited about getting a tattoo for the first time they may not think about the permanency of a tattoo, and end up changing their mind and decide that they are not happy with their body art anymore. Two major reasons people want to get their tattoos removed is the tattoo didn’t come out like they wanted or they got a significant others name which is no longer so significant.

    No matter what the reason is, the person who wants their tattoos removed should start thinking about having a laser tattoo removal procedure done to them. In order to understand tattoo removal, you need to understand the tattoo process itself. Tattoo ink is injected to the upper skin layers and the ink and the skin molecules become one, in other words the ink bonds with the skin.

    Laser tattoo removal is considered the best method, as well as the safest method to separate and break up the pigment. The laser will penetrate and eradicate the skin molecules but at the same time the light of the laser will stimulate the production of blood flow, which will aid in repairing the damaged skin tissue. Usually 6-10 treatments are needed depending on color, size, and depth of tattoo.


      X-Tattoo Program

      The X-Tattoo Program was founded in 1995 by Doctor Acharya with the purpose of helping children and young adults to get their lives back on track by removing Ink from their past. The Tattoos may have linked them to gangs or prison or prevented them from getting employment. Doing this gives them a fighting chance in our community to change their lives around and steer them towards a brighter future. This program started out as a free community service but do to budget restraints, the company had to start implementing a small fee to cover the cost and maintenance of the laser.
      Dr. Acharya and Dr. Mannes volunteer their time to this program which makes the price unbeatable. Unlike other places that have laser technicians, X-Tattoo always has a doctor on hand to perform all procedures.
      The Juvenile program lets children under the age of 18 get all gang related tattoos removed at an affordable price.  We also work with juvenile correction facilities in hope that the children will have a clean slate when they get released.
      We don’t only work with children and young adults, we work with people of all ages and do not discriminate against your past. It’s never too late to change your life.

      For more information please contact us at 480-306-4198


      Think Before you Ink

        So the event you commemorated with a tattoo is something you’d rather not remember. Or the tattoo you got in your 20s no longer reflects the real you. How can I  get rid of your “tat”?

        Today’s laser technology makes it possible to eliminate or fade most tattoos In the past, tattoos were surgically shaved, scraped or frozen off, or peeled away with chemicals.Sometimes this would leave a scar.

        A few points to pounder before you INK…….

        1. Not all tattoos will disappear

        It’s important to set your expectations by speaking with a laser treatment expert. Some tattoos fade only partially after these treatments.

        2. Older is better

        How long ago did you get your tattoo? The answer makes a difference. Older tattoos fade generally more easily with laser treatments than newer ones.

        3. Body placement matters

        Where did you get your tattoo? Fading is generally slower for tattoos located further down the arm or leg.

        4. Who did it?

        Did you get an amateur tattoo? Those are usually easier to remove than professional tattoos.

        5. Different colors, different lasers

        No single laser can remove all tattoo colors. Different dyes respond to different light wavelengths. Black and dark green are the easiest colors to remove; yellow, purple, turquoise and fluorescent dyes are hardest to fade.

        6. Your skin may change

        Tattooing itself may scar or change skin texture, an effect often hidden by the dyes. If laser removal uncovers skin changes, you may be left with what looks like a “ghost” of your old tattoo.

        7. Sunscreen can help

        Laser treatments may darken or lighten skin pigment over and around the tattoo. Apply sunscreen before and after laser tattoo removal to minimize changes in your skin pigment. For the same reason, wait for your tan to fade before having a tattoo removed.

        8. The darkening effect

        Certain cosmetic tattoos, such as pink, white and flesh-colored lip liners, may darken immediately with laser therapy. This effect can usually be corrected with further treatment. If immediate skin darkening is a concern, the laser should be tested on a small spot first.

        9. Are you allergic?

        If you experienced an allergic reaction when getting your tattoo — intense itching and swelling — tell your doctor. Using a “Q-switched” laser to remove the tattoo may trigger a more serious allergic reaction.

        Finally, before getting more body art, remember that it is meant to be permanent. Make sure the tattoo you are thinking about is one you won’t mind having later in life!

        Is X-Tattoo Removal Right for You?

          Yes! More then likely. Every tattoo is different, removal techniques—including the type of laser used—must be tailored to your particular needs. And some tattoos are especially stubborn. Green, yellow and fluorescent inks are notoriously difficult to remove. Their absorption spectra often fall outside most lasers’ targeted color spectrums. What’s more, tattoo inks sometimes contain chemicals like iron oxide or titanium dioxide, which makes it even more difficult for laser beams to “explode” color pigments.
          You would be a good candidate for tattoo removal (meaning you won’t suffer scarring) if you have medium to fair skin and a tattoo that contains dark (but not dense) ink and a superficial ink depth. Medium or fair-skinned people react well because the laser can selectively target ink. If your tattoo happens to be on your arms, chest, buttocks, or anywhere else with good circulation, even better. Areas with poor circulation are more work to treat.
          If you have darker skin, don’t worry.Tattoo removal is still possible on people with darker skin tones, but your physician must use lasers with specific wavelengths to minimize potential problems.

          Why would I want to remove my tattoo?

            It’s estimated that more than 50% of individuals who have a tattoo want it removed. Skin’s elasticity and moisture decreases over time so today’s tattoo may not look the same after six or more years. Sun exposure will distort the colors, and tattoos often stretch or sag depending on where they are located on the body. As your weight tends to fluctuate so will your tattoo, and the Tattoo image will distort as time pasases. Tattoos change over time it’s to be expected

            When considering tattoo removal, accurate information about treatment options and realistic expectations are important to achieve a successful outcome. X tattoo removal is a simple solution for those who decide to Delete faded, stretched, or distorted tattoos.

            The choice to get a tattoo that is later regretted is related to the end-of-history illusion, in which teenagers and adults of all ages know that their tastes have changed regularly over the years before the current moment, but believe that their style will somehow not continue to grow and mature in the future. As a result, they wrongly believe that any tattoo that appeals to them today may always appeal to them in the future.